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  • Accurate calculations and specifications supported by built-in Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC)
Kitchen & Bath
  • Design and sell kitchen, bath and closet spaces in 2D and 3D 
  • Draw, specify and order with ease and in real time alongside your customers
  • Accurate calculations and specifications supported by built-in Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC)
  • Lay out warehouse and storage spaces in 2D and 3D
  • Draw, specify, sell and order warehousing solutions with ease
  • Accurate calculations and specifications supported by built-in Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC)


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ConfiguraThu, May 18, "232 min read

Configura to showcase CET Flooring Library, Twinmotion and Spec at NeoCon 2023

CHICAGO, IL, USA –– May 18, 2023 –– NeoCon 2023 attendees can visit Configura on the 7th floor at booth 7-5102 for live demonstrations of its latest additions to the Configura platform: the CET Flooring Library, Twinmotion and Spec. 

With CET’s powerful and intelligent functionality, the Flooring Library allows users to integrate flooring products, materials and patterns into photo-realistic visuals. The tile randomizer helps clarify the installation plans by precisely showing what product and patterns go where. This solution easily integrates into existing IT structures and can quickly export a bill of materials for exact ordering and installation needs. Fewer flooring samples are required, and the carbon footprint is reduced due to minimal ordering errors. 

The Twinmotion Extension is the latest iteration of the continually evolving CET rendering experience as complex design planning becomes more immersive, engaging and realistic. Twinmotion not only benefits the designers, who are able to better express their visions in truly engaging and realistic ways, but also the decision makers who will ultimately purchase the space, as well as the end users. Using this solution, designers and stakeholders can better understand the mood and impact a designed space will invoke.  

These products enhance and optimize the workflow of designers and professionals. CET users can now design and render in CET, then export the design into Spec for detailed specification. Spec is a powerful specification tool that enables users to import files from CET Commercial Interiors, AutoCAD and other industry design programs. Users can then add options like fabrics, COMs, finishes and discounts while designing quotes and proposals.  

“We are excited to showcase the Flooring Library, Twinmotion and Spec at this year’s show to further illustrate the expanding Configura ecosystem,” said Peter Brandinger, VP Customer Success at Configura. “The simplification our platform offers in terms of design, sales and order processes will enhance the experience and expectations of designers in the commercial interior industry.” 

About CET Commercial Interiors 

Based on technology created by Configura, CET Commercial Interiors is an intelligent, highly visual and intuitive space-planning software that simplifies specifying and selling products. It’s a complete solution that quickly and accurately handles every step of the sales and order process. The software components digitally represent manufacturers’ products that look and behave like physical objects and spaces. Users drag and drop components into 2D and 3D virtual environments and behind the scenes, the software tracks components, calculates pricing and prevents user errors. Users can create and generate layouts, quotes, photorealistic renderings, movies, installation drawings, reconfigurations and bills of materials – in other words, everything needed to propose on work and place orders.  More information at Commercial Interiors | Configura. 


About Configura

Configura creates intelligent space-planning software for manufacturers, dealers and designers in the contract furniture, kitchen and bath, material handling, industrial machinery, and laboratory and healthcare industries. The company’s software products are used worldwide. Configura Sverige AB, the parent company, is headquartered in Linköping, Sweden, with commercial operations in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA; Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Shenzhen, China; Tokyo, Japan; and Berlin, Germany. Founded in 1990, Configura is privately owned with 300 employees worldwide and annual sales of more than $25 million USD. More information at  


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Founded in 1990, Configura Sverige AB creates software solutions that help businesses and people around the globe design spaces and sell configurable products in the commercial interiors, material handling and kitchen and bath industries. Configura’s software products include CET Commercial Interiors, CET Material Handling, CET Kitchen & Bath, Design Studio, Stage, Spec and more. Configura also has a growing user community of thousands of designers, salespeople, dealerships and manufacturers around the globe that use Configura’s products.