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Commercial Interiors
  • Design and sell office, healthcare and educational spaces in 2D and 3D
  • Specify using over 175 manufacturers from our global database
  • Accurate calculations and specifications supported by built-in Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC)
Kitchen & Bath
  • Design and sell kitchen, bath and closet spaces in 2D and 3D 
  • Draw, specify and order with ease and in real time alongside your customers
  • Accurate calculations and specifications supported by built-in Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC)
  • Lay out warehouse and storage spaces in 2D and 3D
  • Draw, specify, sell and order warehousing solutions with ease
  • Accurate calculations and specifications supported by built-in Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC)


You can be sure of our full commitment - from initial analysis, to implementation and end-user support.


Browse through various documents to learn more about Configura and the software we provide.


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Hear directly from our customers how we changed their business with our platform.


The leading SaaS platform for space planning

You can be sure of our full commitment - from initial analysis, to implementation and end-user support.

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All in one platform


Open for anyone: How you join is up to you

You can be sure of our full commitment - from initial analysis, to implementation and end-user support.

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For people who design spaces


What's in it for me?

You can be sure of our full commitment - from initial analysis, to implementation and end-user support.

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Customer experience is at the heart of what we do

Like Michelle Melendez, members of Configura's Customer Success team are available to field questions that arise in the sales process, lead training for people new to CET software and offer consistent and timely support to our growing community. As we expand globally, Configurans who work remotely support our evolving hybrid work culture and represent a necessary bridge between our corporate offices, customers and user community.  



Years at Configura


Favorite snack

Chomps Beef Stick

What does it mean to be a Configuran?

Configurans aren't forced to fit into a boxwe are encouraged to be ourselves. We’re all different and bring something unique to the company. For work, we collaborate as much or as little as needed to achieve results. We help our customers and one another with equal importance. We see value in continuous innovation to deliver products and service with integrity and quality. We have a high level of trust. And we always make time for fun.

How do you connect and collaborate with other Configurans as a completely remote employee?

Whether working remotely or in an office, organization, time management and effective communication are all key to success. I rely heavily on my calendar, Microsoft Teams and HubSpot for both formal and informal collaboration.

In my experience, being remote hasn’t prevented cross collaboration at all. We use our time and tools with intention and the more we communicate, the better we get to know everyone's style and preferences and can adapt accordingly. Also, I can travel as needed and look forward to events like NeoCon, CET Experience or Configura’s annual kick off where I get in-person collaboration time, strengthen relationships and learn.

What is the day in the life of a Training & Sales Ambassador (TSA) like and what do you enjoy most about your role?

TSAs are a segment of the User Experience team. My days are a blend of activities including onboarding users to CET or Spec, setting up trials, assisting with training, gathering feedback, hosting breakout sessions, 1:1 coaching and more. I also support projects related to CET updates and issues and become the liaison between our Support and Performance teams to ensure CET Commercial Interiors is working properly.  

If I must choose one thing I like the most about my role, it’s meeting our CET Community, specifically CET Commercial Interiors as that is my focus area. Getting a chance to connect with like-minded people and seeing how much they love the software gives me purpose. When I hear their questions, suggestions or desire for improvements firsthand, that’s when I can connect the dots and build support and training to match their needs. My work is about building rapport and enhancing our user's success when it comes to designing spaces—I like knowing that I am helping people.  

What was one training experience that inspired you in 2022?

I attended CET Experience 2022 and loved the presentation by keynote speaker Rachel Druckenmiller with Unmuted Life. She walked us through how to reflect, reframe and recalibrate to create a life of intention and clarity. It was powerful.  

I was also inspired during several dealer visits to host community breakout sessions at CET Experience. I love helping users spontaneously with tips and tricks they can implement right away. For me it is all about understanding our users’ processes and how we can provide them with valuable knowledge on how to be more productive using CET Commercial Interiors. 

How do TSAs impact CET Users?

We do a lot! We bring experience from the field; many of us have a background in the industry either from furniture dealerships, manufacturers, architecture or design. We represent the user voice to the rest of Configura by sharing feedback and improvement suggestions to bridge gaps and ensure satisfaction. We educate users on the benefits of CET and how to adopt CET and engage and network with existing and potential users. We’re available to answer questions, troubleshoot and be a sounding board.