CET 15.5 Patch 2 Beta is now available
CET 15.5 Patch 2 BETA is now available for download here:
If the link stops working, you could also find it in the Beta distribution.
We will use the same distribution and update it until release. The latest code can be found in version/15.5/beta.
CET 15.5 Patch 2 will be released on 17th of March 2025
Please take note that the extensions previously added into Beta will no longer be inherited by the new 15.5 Patch 2 Beta build. Extension builds are still allowed to be added into the latest Beta version for testing. However, if the beta builds are no longer needed, please consider removing them from Beta, or updating them to match the Official build, to avoid version discrepancy between Beta and Official, as this could cause update issues in Beta.
Please contact developer support if you have any questions, devsupport@configura.com