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  • Accurate calculations and specifications supported by built-in Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC)
Kitchen & Bath
  • Design and sell kitchen, bath and closet spaces in 2D and 3D 
  • Draw, specify and order with ease and in real time alongside your customers
  • Accurate calculations and specifications supported by built-in Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC)
  • Lay out warehouse and storage spaces in 2D and 3D
  • Draw, specify, sell and order warehousing solutions with ease
  • Accurate calculations and specifications supported by built-in Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC)


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Businessman hand working with a Cloud Computing diagram on the new computer interface as concept
Thomas EngströmWed, Apr 26, '232 min read

AI on the Rise: Configura’s Perspective

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in all things technology will play a role in the way we design, plan and sell spaces in the future.  


As VP Technology at Configura, it is my job to understand and explore the potential technologies that will enhance our product portfolio to best support our users. I have no doubt that AI can and will be used in the future for the designing, planning and selling of the spaces we live and work in.  


Where is Configura now?  


Configura is more than just a software company. We’re configured for our user's success—see what I did there? We go beyond the simple conversion tool that visualizes drawings, and instead, our unique quality is our commitment to what is running behind the scenes.  

Our solutions connect people, products and design tools for the planning, drawing and selling of extraordinary spaces. Configura specializes in software solutions that enhance the commercial interiors, material handling and kitchen & bath design process—from inspiration and installation. We’re good at what we do now, and we have the potential to be even greater with strategic AI-enhanced solutions.  


How will AI take Configura to new heights?  


From the home to the office or the warehouse, AI is poised to fill in the gaps where current technologies leave much to be desired. Wouldn’t it be great if your design tool offered personalized design suggestions based on you or your clients' preferences? What about how cool it would be to go beyond keyboard shortcuts and design with voice commands? How much faster could you plan a space with automation that is so smart, it fits the best products into the design to help you speed up the overall planning process?  

With AI in our future ecosystem, our capabilities will reach new heights. Configura is focused on providing the best user experience—and that means AI will be part of our future.  

What exactly will Configura's future look like? We’re still working on that. Here are several possible enhancements to our work that we envision evolving out of the current AI boom: 

  • Personalized design suggestions: In addition to analyzing individual preferences, AI algorithms could also analyze data on broader trends and styles to provide designers with insights on popular design choices. This could help designers stay ahead of the curve and offer clients innovative and trendy design options. 
  • Automated product suggestions: AI algorithms could use data on a designer's past used items and preferences to suggest products that are likely to be of interest. This could lead to shorter design time. 
  • Design automation: AI algorithms could also be used to suggest furniture and fixture layouts that are optimized for function and flow, considering factors such as movement patterns and usability. 
  • Natural language processing: In addition to improving efficiency and ease of use, natural language processing could also be used to assist designers with language barriers or disabilities, allowing more individuals to participate in the design process. 

Today, software developers, manufacturers, space planners, salespeople and end-customers can continue to use Configura's solutions to work together seamlessly to configure extraordinary spaces using our dynamic ecosystem.  

As you can see by my list above, Configura is putting in the time and energy to explore and ensure the way we incorporate AI in the future best supports the needs of our users. More to come!  



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Thomas Engström
Thomas Engström joined Configura as the VP Technology in 2022 and is responsible for the company’s development platform and surrounding support system. Through the cloud DevOps team, architects and technology experts, he is building and communicating Configura’s technology roadmap for short- and long-term technology investments. Thomas brings over 20 years of experience in digital transformation, technical management, software development and technology solutions.